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What is Kong Soo Do?



Kong Soo Do is literally Korean Karate. The term Kong Soo Do translates as 'empty hand way' in Korean just as 'Karate-Do' translates the same way in Okinawan. Four of the original seven Korean Kwans taught Kong Soo Do before the unification of the Kwans into Taekwondo. Essentially, Kong Soo Do is an amalgamation of Shotokan, Shorin Ryu, Shutokan, Shito Ryu and other Okinawan/Japanese Karate Styles infused with Chinese arts and fragments of what remained of the Korean arts after the WWII liberation of Korea.

As seen on the History & Lineage page, Kong Soo Do flows back through Korea to Japan to Okinawa and eventually China. As an art, it contained all the soft and hard elements i.e. straight-forward and brutal strikes & kicks as well as balance displacement, throws, locks, cavity pressing etc. All 'adult' version Karate contained these elements (for a more expanded explaination see the News, Views and Articles page). This carried over to arts like Taekwondo and Tang Soo Do (as well as Kwon Bup). However, the children's version of Karate (again see Articles page) also remained at the forefront since it was easier to teach, catered to a much younger crowd and was much more of a money-maker in terms of competitions. Let's face it, in terms of keeping the doors open in most schools, it is the kids programs that are the bread and butter. However, there remained an 'Old School' teaching that persisted.

As the arts of Taekwondo and Tang Soo Do became increasingly popular, the sporting aspect became predominate and has largley taken over the arts. Many later generations of instructors think they're teaching a viable means of self-defense but in actuality are teaching sport which is the polar opposite of self-defense. This isn't to slight the modern Dojang instructor but rather to educate them as there is a PROFOUND difference. The IKSDA was created for those willing to shelve their ego and look into alternatives for the benefit of their students. It was created by those well versed, not only in 'old school' Korean arts but also Defensive Tactics and Combatives methodology i.e. gross motor skills, O.O.D.A. loop, movements usable under duress and available in long term memory, flinch response etc.

Who can benefit?

As mentioned above, those that can shelve their ego and are willing to learn for the benefit of their students. Again, it needs to be made clear that this is NOT a slight on the hard work and dedication of the commited school owner. The children's programs can continue as they have since a child doesn't need to know the more advanced version of the arts until they are mentally and emotionally mature enough. But for the Korean Art school owner that wants more meat for his adult class the IKSDA is THE answer. This is applicable to the arts of Kong Soo Do, Hapkido, Tae Kwon Do (Taekwondo), Tang Soo Do and eclectic Korean arts.

Does this mean you need to learn an entirely new art? No, simply using what you already know differently. And that is what we are here to assist you to do. The results will be a more usable, dynamic adult class that a serious student can really sink their teeth into. We don\'t tell you what or how to teach, we simply demonstrate alternatives that are REAL WORLD TESTED AND EFFECTIVE that will vastly enhance what you\'re teaching. And it will greatly simplify your class to the benefit of the adult student. Most modern instructors are unaware that throws, locks, chokes etc are contained in the kata and hyungs and not just blocks, kicks and punches. Such movements were a regular part of Karate and Korean Karate teachings that have been lost as sport rose to dominate the Dojang.

The International Kong Soo Do Association is open to all legitimate Korean style martial artists, who mesh with our goals and ideals. The IKSDA functions as a not-for-profit entity, as such, lifetime membership into the association costs only $25 (five dollars) USD, subsequent Dan testing fees are also set at $25 (five dollars) USD, regardless of the rank applied for. There is no \'stair-step\' in which subsequent Dan ranks progressively cost more and more. Why can the IKSDA charge only $25 when other organizations start at nearly a $100, with the price going up into the hundreds as your rank increases? Simple, we\'re not looking to get into your pocket! Our goal is to form a unified, governing authority for like-minded instructors/practitioners. As such, we charge only our own costs (which include the printing of a certificate and S&H). This helps you the instructor as well as the individual student.

Members enjoy the following benefits, and opportunities:

•Official Membership Certificate
•Opportunities for Rank Evaluation and Advancement *
•Curriculum Assistance **
•Voluntary Listing On IKSDA section of this forum
•Low Fee Structure

* This can be done in person at an IKSDA listed school, any IKSDA sanctioned seminar or personally with an IKSDA approved instructor of appropriate rank.

** This is done using various venues and media;
•All IKSDA members are HIGHLY encouraged to attend the annual IKSDA seminar. This provides face-to-face instruction and mat time with IKSDA sanctioned instructors.
•All IKSDA members are HIGHLY encouraged to join and participate on Martial Warrior is open to all martial artists and has a specific Kong Soo Do section. This includes youtube videos right in the discussions.
•Published and non-published articles on various Korean Arts are included here on the IKSDA website.

Membership is granted on a case-by-case basis. Simply put, we are not interested in paper collectors, and digital warriors. The IKSDA prefers quality over quantity; we are interested in potential members who plan to be active participants in our programs and activities. In order to weed out the "would be" practitioners , our membership application process was put into place to keep IKSDA membership and certification meaningful, and valuable.

Making application for IKSDA membership is a two tiered process. The first step is to fill out an official membership application form, and submit it for consideration. If your initial application is accepted, you will be asked to present a current demonstration of skill either in person, or via clear video footage to the associations headquarters. Upon examination of your demonstration of skill, the IKSDA Director and Technical Advisory Council will either approve or deny your membership.

If you are interested in joining our dynamic association, and are willing to put forth the required effort, we welcome your application and look forward to having you in our ranks. To begin the application process, please fill out the initial application request form, and submit it to the IKSDA headquarters (address available on the application page).

It is important to note that once an instructor has been accepted into the IKSDA, his or her black belt level students will also be accepted automatically. It is also equally important to note that it is an IKSDA requirement that all black belt level students join the association (which we've made easy to do. Certificates can/will be sent together in on package which will cut down on the actual S&H costs. This savings will then be passed on to you. bottom line, we don\'t need the money. We want serious martial artists). This is an additional step to weed out those that are simply looking to add another certificate to their wall without actually participating in the growth of the organization. Any organization that is a mile wide but only an inch deep is worthless. Since we strive to maintain the strictest standards we expect only serious instructors will apply.

Thank you for your interest in our association. Please contact the IKSDA headquarters with any questions via a PM to me here on the board, or feel free to ask questions in this thread, or create a question thread here in
this section.

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