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International Kong Soo Do Association

Article One: IKSDA Director
The Director will hold the highest rank in the IKSDA in order to assume the chief leadership position within the Association. This will be a 9th Dan ranking. There will be one, and only one Director Position within the IKSDA and one and only one 9th Dan rank.
The IKSDA Director will hold the formal title of Grand Master. This title is reserved solely for the IKSDA Director.
At such time as the current IKSDA Director leaves the Office or Director, he/she shall appoint a successor from the Master’s Advisory Council. At the time of this appointment the successor will assume the 9th Dan rank and title of Grand Master in concordance with the Office of Director.
Article Two: Master’s Advisory Council
The Master’s Advisory Council (MAC) will consist of those IKSDA members who have;
•Achieved the rank of Master within the IKSDA. This rank is set at 4th Dan.
•Are considered Kwan Jang* and instructors of their own Dojang.
•Contributed to the IKSDA in some way i.e. attending or teaching at IKSDA seminars, offering Articles and/or disseminating information to IKSDA members (such as DVD’s, participation on the IKSDA discussion board etc).
IKSDA members who run their own school but have not as yet reached Master’s status (4th Dan) will be eligible to join the MAC either;
•Upon promotion to the 4th Dan.
•Unanimous vote of the current MAC.
MAC membership is not automatic and requires significant contributions in time and effort to the goals of the IKSDA as stated in #3 above.
MAC members will normally be between the Dan ranks of 4th to 8th Dan.
MAC members promotion will follow one (or more) of the following guidelines;
•Direct promotion from the IKSDA Director via testing.
•Promotional testing from one or more members of the MAC of sufficient rank to administer a test to the MAC member.
•Time-in-grade (TIG) requirements will be adhered to unless adjusted by the IKSDA Director.
Kwan Jang * is a Korean term which denotes a mentor or director of the Kwan. In the context of the martial arts, the Kwan Jang is the Chief Instructor of the Kwan and/or Dojang.
Article Three: Kwan Jang
For purposes of this guideline, a Kwan Jang is the leader or director of an individual Kwan within the IKSDA and/or the owner of a Dojang/Dojo. By default, the Kwan Jang will therefore have sufficient rank in order to head and administrate the individual Kwan. Ranks may and will vary between Kwan Jang within the IKSDA. The individual Kwan Jang may request, at such time as appropriate time-in-grade has been established, a test and/or review from another IKSDA Kwan Jang of superior rank and/or a member or member(s) of the MAC or from the IKSDA Director as appropriate.
If no Kwan Jang or TAC member exists within the IKSDA of sufficient rank for test or evaluate the Kwan Jang in question, the IKSDA Director shall reserve the sole right of testing/evaluation in the consideration of promotion.
Article Four: Time-In-Grade & Minimum Age for Dan rank
The IKSDA establishes a minimum time to the First (1st) Dan level to be one (1) year. Individual Kwans within the IKSDA may increase this time as their curriculum dictates.
The IKSDA establishes a minimum time from First (1st) Dan to the Second (2nd) Dan to be one (1) year. Individual Kwans within the IKSDA may increase this time as their curriculum dictates.
The IKSDA establishes a minimum time from Second (2nd) Dan to the Third (3rd) Dan to be two (2) years. Individual Kwans within the IKSDA may increase this time as their curriculum dictates.
The IKSDA establishes a minimum time from Third Dan and beyond to be three (3) years. Individual Kwans within the IKSDA may increase this time as their curriculum dictates.
Any of the above may be amended by individual Kwans within the IKSDA for reasons felt to exceed the minimum standard i.e. material contribution to the art of Kong Soo Do
The minimum age for FIRST Dan will be sixteen(16) years of age and MUST display the maturity necessary for a Dan grade.
The minimum age for a Poom belt will be thirteen (13). This will be considered a First Degree Poom.
The minimum age for a Second Degree Poom will be fifteen (15).
A Poom will automatically convert to the appropriate Dan grade at the age of sixteen (16) i.e. a First Degree Poom will convert to a First Dan, a Second Degree Poom will convert to a Second Dan.
The minimum age for a Second Dan is sixteen (16).
The minimum age for a Third Dan is eighteen (18).
The minimum age for a Fourth Dan is twenty-one (21).
Article Five: Uniform
The IKSDA allows any style of traditional 'Karate-style' uniform. For example, the uniform my be traditional top or V-neck. It may be a solid color, diamond pattern or contain trim on the jacket and pants. The color(s) of the uniform are up to the school. Note that certain Korean arts, such as Kwon Bup, used a traditional Chinese art uniform i.e. the 'Kung Fu' style uniform. This is permitted and acceptable as well.
Must have sleeves elbow length or longer.
IKSDA patch/ iron on left side of top in a "normal" position
Any Kwan patches or other embellishments must be in good taste and not excessive EX: Kwan patch on right side or under association patch .Flag on sleeve. Kwan stitched under association patch or your name .These are in good taste. Ugly patches like the ones that say black belt or master, Cobra Kai type patches etc.
Pants standard black -draw string or elastic-no embellishments other than appropriate trim if used by the school.
Students under the rank of Black Belt is allowed to wear any color or color combination in accordance with their Kwan/Dojang.
Articles Six: Black Belts
A plain Black Belt is acceptable and encouraged for normal training and teaching.
A formal Black Belt is required for formal events such as testing, seminars, promotional ceremonies etc.
A standard for the formal Black Belt can be found on the IKSDA website. The lettering and stripes will be white or yellow in color and the Dan stripes angled or straight.
Article Seven: Governing Authority
The International Kong Soo Do Association is the governing authority for each Kwan within the Association.
Although the curriculum may slightly differ between individual Kwans and Dojangs, the emphasis shall remain on self-defense.
Each school owner will be expected to develop their own Kwan name under the IKSDA banner which reflects their Kwan, dojang, philosophy and goals.
Article Eight: Membership
All Black Belt members of each IKSDA Kwan/Dojang are required to formally join the IKSDA upon promotion to Dan status. Without exception.
Non-Dan members are not required to officially join the IKSDA but may be included on the IKSDA website at the discretion of their Kwan Jang.
New members requesting to join, either as a Kwan Jang or as an individual are required to adhere to the following requirements:
•Fill out the membership application available on the IKSDA website.
•Demonstrate training either in person (to the IKSDA HQ) or Dojang of a MAC member or submit a detailed and comprehensive demonstration via DVD (to the IKSDA HQ or MAC member).
•Unanimous vote of the MAC.
•MAC vote can only be overturned by the IKSDA Director and as such can only be done if mitigating circumstances can be offered.
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